Picnics, Parks and Sports


O'neill St shade structure Seaforth

O’neill St shade structure Seaforth

Archery/Bow Hunters

Just at the edge of Seaforth is a small field where the Australian Bowhunters Association meet roughly once a month. They are a friendly bunch and are always welcoming new visitors. They even have some club bows you can borrow and are happy to share their wealth of knowledge.

BMX/RC Track

Seaforth also has a small BMX track for the you and young at heart to give a whirl. It has also been know to double as a RC track, particularly just after Christmas when all the big boys play with their new toys.

Courts and Fields

There is a well maintained Tennis Court/ Basketball Court which is free to use during day. The Recreational Centre has Table tennis facilities. There is a large oval off the main road with a Cricket pitch. Also the local bowling club has several bowling pitches and excellent facilities.

Golf Course

Featuring 9 holes and 27 sand traps and water ways, Halliday Bay Golf Course is worth a visit i you are the golfing type. It also overlooks the Ocean like practically everything else in this part of the world.


There is a netted Swimming enclose on Seaforth beach, and a more private one at Halliday Bay. There is also a small wading pool suited to young children. Last but not least there are plenty of beaches around waiting for a bit of open water swimming.


Seaforth War Memorial

Seaforth War Memorial

Acacia Avenue Park

Acacia Avenue, Seaforth
Features: Softfall Edging, Swing, Play Ground.

Anzac Park

Seaforth Road Reserve, Seaforth
Features: Flagpole Picnic, Bench, War Memorial.

Frangipanni Park

Frangipanni Avenue, Seaforth
Features: Swing, Park Bench, Playground.

Jim Adams Memorial Park

Prince Charles Avenue, Seaforth (behind Seaforth Community Hall)
Features: Swing, Park Bench, Playground.

Jim Adams Memorial Park

Jim Adams Memorial Park

Seaforth Camping Reserve

8 Prince Charles Avenue, Seaforth
Features: Hot Showers, Shade, Picnic Bench, Park Bench, Playground, Toilet, Water.

Seaforth Esplanade Reserve

Palm Avenue, Seaforth
Features: Beach Access, Shower, Shade, Swing, Picnic-Bench, BBQ, Park Bench, Toilet, Swimming.

Victor Creek Reserve

Port Newry Road, Seaforth
Park-Bench, Toilet